peer review

The following post is in regards to an Interactive Learning Resource of group 10. First I was attracted by their topic, computer science Java. Personly I have learned a bit of computer science in my first year of university. I did find myself enjoy the computer science class a lot.
Overall I think the learning resource is great. Nice layout, I like the structure as well. It is easy to follow the order. I like how you structure the course into point form, it was pretty easy for me to keep on track the of my learning. One thing It seems to me that in IF statement. I did notice your team use the interactive resource to learn how to use if statement in java. My suggestion is that maybe after the video you can elaborate the emphasizes the video a bit it will be much better for the reader to understand the concept much easier to understand. This is one of the main things I want to point out. The other thing, I want to point out is maybe it just I couldn’t find it. How am I interactive with the instructor. Is there any way I can interact with the instructor. That’s the only two things I found. Overall, I really like your learning resource. I think all around is very good.

Blog post 5

The end of my 4-week challenge, learning how to drive a manual car. I started by learning how to start the car, and slowly learn how to drive in a closed environment, and slowly learned how to drive uphill, finally learned how to drive on the real-life situation. During the whole learning challenge, there are something went well, and there is something did not go well.
First by saying what did not go well. Before starting the challenge, I was super confident that I’m going to nail this challenge since I know how to drive an automatic car. My attitude causes my early failure. Second, I rely on technology, I heavily rely on conceptual knowledge from online or textbook. I thought I can easily apply what I learned from the textbook and apply it to reality. This relates to my week 1 and week 2 struggle. The best teacher is maybe the instructor, not the textbook. I also learned one of the best ways to learn is to learn from my mistake.

Second, I want to talk about what went well in the 4 weeks challenge. First, by week 2 I have set my goal and set up a learning plan before I started my week’s challenge. I do think that by setting a learning plan before actually doing it is very helpful. Second, I learned face to face learning is very helpful. Like I mentioned in what did not go well. I tried to use the online resource as my primary learning tool. toward the end, I found that the best way of learning is through face to face learning. I intergrade the face to face learning in my week3 and week 4 learning. It improves the progress of my learning.
Finally, I found that this 4 weeks learning challenge very interesting. Overall I really enjoy the whole learning experience, I’m very happy that I actually learned something. In addition, I also learned the benefits of learning using technology, and how our mind process when I learned a new skill.

Week 4

Week 4
This is the fourth week into my challenge to drive a manual car. For this week I dedicate myself to learn to drive on the non-close environment and drive on the street. My goal for the end of this week is to be comfortable driving on the road with no stress. I drove 5 times a week ever times for one hour.

I do have full license to be able to drive on the road. I do have an instructor to drive with me at all time. In addition, for the past three weeks, I have learned the skill to drive in the close environment. I felt comfortable to drive.

The first day of driving, I have faced one issue. I get super nervous when I drive on the road. I can’t get the car going when the traffic turns from red to green. When the car behind me horn at me it increases my nervousness, I can’t get the car going even when the light turns back to red. My first day ends less than 30 minutes. All the stress from other cars on the road and internal stress cause me performance decrease tremendously. At the end of the day, I start to go online learned about tips for the new driver to reduce nervousness. However, I don’t find it very useful. This can lead to the idea of this week Edtech is not neutral.

For me personally, I found that Edtech focus on the broad picture, there is no personal relationship involved. Compares to my instructor, he will give me encouragement when I struggle on the street. He knew that what have I accomplish for the past three weeks. He knows that I have been improved a lot already since the beginning. He knew that all I need is to apply the skill I learned and apply it on the road without stress.

Some of the disadvantages of Edtech:
The system makes it hard to genuinely improve the learner experience
Most EdTech pitched for learning, is for teaching
Learners don’t decide what technology is used
I will leave a link below where I get this information from.

However, I do find that Edtech does have some advantage. For example, I can learn anything pretty much anywhere as long as I have access to the internet. The setting no longer set in the classroom. In addition, I can experience high-level education simply just sitting at home. For example, many University in the State like Stanford provide online degree.

Back to my challenge. The second day my instructor change my training time form three in the afternoon to around eleven in the morning. Due to there is much more traffic around three to five. He gave me the route map beforehand, let me familiar with it using automatic transmission car first.

In the end, I did much better than the first day. I did around five times a day there and back on the route that my instructor provided. Following is the table that my success rate each day for not failure start the car at the traffic light.

Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5
Time travel on the route24555
Times fail to start the car at traffic light86532

post 3

Week three of my challenge. By week 2, I am comfortable driving on a close and flat environment. Even though I’m can’t guarantee that I can successfully start the car up 100%. 75-80% of the time I am able to start the car up without any problem.

My goal for week three is to hill start a manual car. I have designed a learning plan for this week’s challenge. In this week’s reading, it mentioned blended learning which is a style of education in which students learn via electronic and online media as well as traditional face-to-face teaching. My plan is before my everyday driving practice I will go on my online resource to learn about hill start a manual car and try to apply what I learned from the online video and apply to the real-life setting with my instructor’s help.

One of the key aspect in today’s learning I found that when we learn something we should just stick to learn that one thing. So I will dedicate this week only to master hill start the manual car.

My plan today is practice 5 times this week each time for one hour.

The first day of my learning hill start I face a big challenge, to hill start a car is not as easy as I thought it is. I need to control hand break at the same time as I’m controlling the clutch and the break. The first day I tried 20 times hill start I successfully start the car 10 times.

As the hill slope increases the difficulty gradually increase as well. I and my instructor gradually increase the difficulty of the hill start. Following is the table of how many times I tried every day and the success time.


End of week three I have learned that in order to master a certain skill, the learning design should be highly relevant to learning the outcome. My learning outcome is to learn how to hill start so there is no use for me to keep learning how to start the car on a flat surface.

Blue print

Being sociology students we both have an understanding of the devastating consequences that high inequality has on a society. However many people outside of this study may not really understand how and why income equality can and will effect their live. By explaining the relationship between income inequality can and will effect their lives. We hope to showcase the real life consequences of inequality in society and why we should all take this issue very seriously.

Throughout the past 2 decades Canada has seen a shocking rise in the level of income inequality. Today the top 1% controls almost 50% of the country’s wealth. Making us one of the most unequal societies among other OECD countries with only the United States and Great Britain having more.  With high levels of inequality effecting all members of society.    However income inequality and the Gini coefficient are not just numbers, they are the single greatest predictor of violent crime.

In 2018 Global Law and Order asked people a very simple question, “How safe do you feel walking the streets at night? The survey that was conducted revealed that over 84% of Canadians stated that they felt walking the streets at night placing us number 8th in the world. The United States on the other hand placed 35th with only 71% of their population saying they felt safe walking the streets at night, and the United Kingdom placed 21st. When looking at these numbers you might just get the idea that maybe the US has a more violent culture than the UK and Canada or maybe it has something to do with the legal system and freedom. However when we take a step back and analyze the data we can see that there is one factor at play here that is often left out. The Gini coefficient measures levels of inequality in a society and ranks it on a scale, with a low Gini score meaning a low level of inequality and a high Gini score showing a high level of inequality. The United States Gini score is 41.4 while the U.K.’s is 34.6 and Canada’s is 34, perfectly ordering them with there rankings on the Global Law and Order survey. When looking at the rankings of the Global Law and order survey it is not just the U.S. the U.K. and Canada that’s Gini scores match up with their citizen’s level of sense of security. All over the world societies with higher levels of inequality based on race, gender and income all have higher levels of violence, poor mental health and disease

Learning outcome:
Break down how income inequality correlate’s and cause’s violent crime in any given geographical location.
Give explanations for why this is based off of desire, for power and money, and examine rates of violent crime among men and women in theses areas.
Topic: income inequality and violent crime
Income inequality and violent crime by country, province and city
Income inequality and violence among men and women
How and why these issues should be addressed
What we can do to fix them
The difference between absolute poverty and relative poverty

The resources that the learner may need to access “grey literature” for example like video, video can be the best way to illustration or define the idea or concept. Students get to learn through illustration. Video learning is better than book learning. We think that we will include some video in our power point. In addition, we will have the learner interact with the idea. As if right now we are think like some pop quiz or map interaction tool. We may need learner have access in WordPress to have their daily review and daily thought paper written on the word press.

By Huiyu Zhang, Andrew Muirhead

post 2

After my setting up my goal for learning how to drive a manual car. Over the last weekend, I have done two things. Once is I found an instructor with a manual car. Second, I start looking into what is the basic mechanical logic of the manual car.

First day of week 2 learning challenge. I’m supper confidence that I’m going to complete my challenge in one day. I been driving since 16, even though I have never driven a manual car before. But I always see myself as a good driver. Before I show up at my friend’s house, I have learned that the basically all I need to is use my left foot on the clutch and shift the gear and step on the gas and I’m nice.

When I get to my friend’s house, he said I’ll just let explore it for the first half hour, and he guarantees that I would get the car moving. So for the first half hour, I have been trying to get the car moving. What I did every time is that once i shift the gear to first gear and I stop the engine every time. I tried more than 15 times during the first half an hour. I got so mad, and I end up going home after.

From the second day on, my instructor has taught me that there is a clutch release point, I need to hit the gas while I’m releasing the clutch at a certain point of the clutch. We practice in a closed environment, I think that out of 20 times I have successfully moved the car forward 5 times.

By the end of the first week, I have been able to drive in the first gear and learned how to start the car from neutral to first gear. In the first week, I only drive in the close environment like in the parking lot, we have not hit the road.

By the end of this week, I have asked my friend which is my instructor when he starts learning manual transmission and how was his performance compare to mine. He started learning driving on manual transmission as soon as he got the driving permit. He did way better than I do, he said that he learned how to drive on the road on the second day.

To conduct this week’s learning, I think that I walk into this challenge with the attitude like I know the knowledge of how manual transmission work and I should be able to learn super quick. Just like the guy smart every day. he thinks that he can master the backward bike easy. I thought so too. however, we both failed. This well demonstrated that knowledge is not equal understanding. In addition, the comparison of me and my instructor learned how to drive the manual car much quicker than I do. This somewhat demonstrated the idea that is best to learn a skill young. In my psychology class, my professor has taught me that is much easier to learn a language in infant or adolescent that adult. Lastly, I think the learning environment has a huge influence on my learning. I started to learn how to drive a manual car in a closed environment. If I begin learning how to drive on the street I will easily give up this challenge because of the tension and nervousness.

Thanks for reading.

Post 1

Learning challenge.

I love driving, I love to drive on long no end highway. Since I learned how to drive an automatic transmission. So I have no idea how to drive on a car with manual transmission. I always want to learn how to drive, but never had the motivation to learn. This 4 weeks challenge I think is a good way for me to learn.

In addition, once I know how to drive a manual car, I can get a manual car. As a result, my friend will not ask me to borrow my car again, since they don’t know how to drive one.

My goal is to know how to drive a car with manual transmission. How to start the car on a slope.

I think the ability to know how to drive a manual transmission is an important life skill to have. Especially for me. As I mentioned in my self-introduction, I love to travel, I love to go on a road trip. In some developing country, manual transimmion car are much popular than an automatic transmission car. So I think that acquire some ability will benefit me for the future.

Unlike Academic knowledge, I see the ability to drive a manual transmission car are more like hands-on knowledge, it needs lots of practice, practice makes perfect.


I will be using Youtube to learn how manual transmission work. In addition, an instructor will be very helpful for me to learn how to drive the manual transmission car.

Goal for next week:

My goal for the upcoming week is to drive the car in close protect the environment without the engine stop.


It is my pleasure to introduce myself. My name is Huiyu Zhang. Born in China, came to Victoria when I was 15. I’m a fourth-year student major in psychology at UVIC. This is my last semester, I will be finished my degree this summer. EDCI 335 is the last course of my degree. I love to travel, because I love to experience a different culture. In addition, I’m a big fan of soccer even though I’ not very good at playing soccer. My favourite team is FC Barcelona because Messi is my favourite player.

Learning experience:

One of my favourite experience is to learn how to replace a car bumper through YouTube. I hit my car bumper one day while I was driving. I got a quote from the body shop. The bill was $1700. I don’t have that much money at that time, and I don’t want to drive around with my car bumper messed up. So I watched a YouTube video and learned how to replace a bumper by myself. I bought a bumper from Amazon, that only cause me $300. I think that YouTube is a very good platform to learn lots of different things. In addition, I think that Video Learning is very effective.